Sunday, January 11, 2015

Embrace the Change

I feel like I'm constantly being told about going with the flow, welcoming change and going on new adventures. The picture I've drawn to visualize the concept of "change" is a beautiful one. It's full of possibilities and new beginnings.

So tell me then, why is it hard to accept the changing of our bodies? This 5' 4" frame has carried and born two precious souls into the world. It is stretched, saggy and becoming more gray and wrinkled with each passing day.

I faced a daily struggle with the scale as I tried to recover from my first pregnancy. I hardly took notice of the positive non-scale victories I was making. As I dressed for the day I would try to squeeze my now larger hips into my former self's jeans. Getting ready was dreadful.

While the struggle is still real after my second baby, I've come to accept and appreciate the vessel I've been given to live in while on this Earth. It is easy to hate and despise, and somehow, I've grown comfortable in my stretched out skin. I put away those too tight jeans and embraced the world of yoga pants. I've invested in clothing that fits my changing body so I can feel both comfortable and stylish. Perhaps it will take an entire year before I pull my skinny clothes back out, but while I'm on my journey to that place, I'm going to love my body every step of the way.