Sunday, January 21, 2018

Andrew: 6 months old

Half a year. Wow. Each time one of my babes hits six months it blows my mind and I cannot believe it. Half a year means you're basically one and that is not okay!

At the start of this month you began rolling onto your side.

I love watching you as you figure out how your hands work. It's like they're going crazy opening and closing as you feel new textures and manipulate your toys. The flip side of this is how you yank your paci out during nap time but haven't figured out how to get it back in your mouth. Usually we keep your hands busy with Kanga so you leave your paci alone.

Your favorite person is you. Like, seriously. Some of your biggest smiles are elicited when you find your reflection in the mirror. It's obvious that you, just like the rest of us, recognize how cute you are!

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