Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Last night for Family Home Evening (FHE) we bought pumpkins, ate ice cream and watched a talk from the October 2012 LDS General Conference. 
Paul picked it and I loved it.
It was entitled "Brethren, We have Work to do"
Watch it below.
You won't regret it.


After we watch or read a conference talk we discuss what we learned or felt.
Naturally, it is concerning that we live in a time when men are demeaned and considered unnecessary.
As our discussion ensued, I realized that I had no concerns about Paul falling into this trap.
He has already proven himself to be a hard-working, faithful provider, Priesthood holder and example.

But his work isn't over.
Now he is working to make lasting and meaningful footsteps for his son to follow.
The lessons that Paul teaches through his daily actions are unique and irreplaceable.

When he leaves for his job each day he teaches the importance of hard work and being a provider.
When he comes home and plays with Vince instead of watching TV he demonstrates that family is first.
When he calls the family together for prayer he exemplifies how to be a patriarch.
When someone is sick and he gives them a blessing he teaches the importance of being worthy and ready to use the power of the priesthood at all times.
When he reads to Vince he ingrains a love of learning and imagination.
 When he fulfills his church calling his actions display the depth of his testimony. 
When he shovels the driveway of an elderly couple he shows that service and love of others is greater than love of self. 
When he loves me he shows Vince that women are to be respected and cherished.

As a mother, I know that I could not teach all of these lessons on my own.
I am grateful that I have been blessed to have a husband who understands his roles and responsibilities as a man. I hope that Vince can learn from his example and make his wife and kids just as happy as Paul makes his.


  1. I love this post and I love the picture! You have a way with words Libby!

  2. Your son is SO big and I haven't even met him yet. This needs to change. He is pretty darn cute. Your family is pretty great. I love reading about what's going on in your lives. This talk was very inspiring.
